You've Got to Hear this Interview with Larry Crane

Larry Crane Release TechniqueI’m listening to a replay of Dr. Anna Michelle’s interview with Larry Crane from last night on the Self Worth Summit.
Larry Crane’s Release Technique is based on the work of Lester Levenson, the same source work that also lead to the Sedona Method with Hale Dwoskin. It comes down to accepting whatever you are feeling with unconditional love and allowing it to go if it wants to.
Larry Crane says that the emotional garbage we have is like old files on our computer that we want to delete. When you go to delete an old file, you are asked to confirm the delete. You have to say yes, accept it, to let it go. Larry Crane’s Release Technique is the delete key.
The interview itself was very short. They left most of the time open for taking calls from listeners and helping them release their issues.
His manner almost seemed harsh at times. He would cut them off if they started to analyze the issue. He works purely on the emotion and the energy. As he says, he only wants to talk to the operator, as in the operator of the computer, the person in charge.
It was a very powerful call and I got a lot out of listening to it.
If you have conditions in your life that are holding you back then I strongly encourage you to listen to the replay too. It should be available for another 24 hours for free, maybe longer. All you have to do is go to the Self Worth Summit page and opt in. Then you will receive an email with the link to the replay page as well as the schedule for the rest of the calls.
Tonight’s call is with Karin Davidson, an EFT practitioner.
Wayne Woodworth

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