
Colette Baron Reid Enchanted Map Oracle CardMy wife is in an online group studying the oracle cards for Colette Baron-Reid’s The Enchanted Map. I drew the Intention card today and thought I’d share about it.
Some people are closed minded when you talk about oracle cards or tarot cards and say that they are satanic or some such nonsense. That just isn’t true.
In my mind, pulling a random card from the deck is no different than receiving a daily inspirational message like Mike Dooley’s Notes From the Universe or Bob Proctor’s Insight of the Day. They give you a pointer to an area in your life that you could take a look at and see what’s going on.
Like I said, I drew the Intention card today.
The guidebook has a paragraph about what they say that the card means. There is one great reminder offered by the description.

Recognize that you’re not the one who has to do all the work, however; others help you co-create reality.

That’s very much in alignment with something that a friend of mine said to me recently. When you have a small core group of people working together, you have the opportunity to create something bigger and better than what any of us can do alone.
The point of the card is to suggest that I take a look at where I am putting my intention. There are some amazing things that I am working on right now, and it is very exciting. I need to make sure that my intention remains fixed on the higher good for everyone involved.
What is your intention for today, this week, or this month? Is it for your higher good, and for the higher good of everyone involved? If so, then you are working from a place of power.
Wayne Woodworth

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