Whatever You Think About is What You Attract

Bob Proctor - Whatever you think about you will attract into your life.I wrote a post a little over a year ago about how your language will show you what you are attracting. For example, while you may affirm “I am debt free” you will likely not achieve that because the focus word in what you are saying is “debt,” so you will probably continue to attract debt. I want to spend some more time on this topic today.
I spend a fair amount of time on Facebook and I love to share positive, inspiring quotes. For example, Bob Proctor shared one of his quotes on Facebook this morning:
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The Best Way to Do It Is to Get Started Now

The best time to get started is right now.Has this ever happened to you? I have two people who have said that they want to work with me, but they have to wait until after this is done or that happens first.
The first person, let’s call him Dave, came to me last summer and said he wanted to start building his online business after Labor Day. Labor Day came and went, but he said he still wants to get started after things settle down in October. November arrived and he still says he wants to do it but he has to wait until after the New Year. At that point any expectation that he was actually going to do anything pretty much went out the window because I know how busy he is from January through April.
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The Logical Song: Is Being Logical Always a Good Thing?

Supertramp released The Logical Song in 1979I love listening to music while I’m doing other things, like working or driving. Music can tell stories, it can make you feel, and sometimes it can make you think. I was driving my family to my in-laws’ house this week and heard The Logical Song by Supertramp and was inspired to write about it.
The Logical Song was released on Supertramp’s album Breakfast in America in March 1979. It was also their biggest hit. The song was mostly written by Roger Hodgson about his experience of being sent away to boarding school when he was young. I think it applies to all of us, whether we went to a boarding school or just the regular public school in town.
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Are People Judgmental or Just Have Low Self-Esteem

When we judge others it may be because of our own low self esteemI listened to a program by Caroline Myss on Self Esteem recently. One of the many things she talked about was how our judgments of others can be because of our own low self esteem. That got me thinking about how judgmental we can be, and the real reasons for our judgments of other people.
Most, if not all, people have low self esteem issues around some aspect of their lives. Body image and level of success are two of the biggest ones that I see most often, with body image being number one by far. We think we are too fat, too thin, too short, too tall, too dark skinned, too pale, the list goes on and on. Judging ourselves that way is bad enough because we are all beautiful and perfect in our own way.
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Have You Seen The Abundance Factor Movie Yet?

The Abundance Factor MovieThe Abundance Factor movie was released on Sept 8, 2015.
Did you see The Secret when it came out? That was almost 10 years ago. Talk of the Law of Attraction and abundance have become very common since the Spring of 1996 but I think for most people it is still very much in the talk and concept phase.
I see The Abundance Factor as the next step toward bringing all of that talk closer to a reality. For me, the Abundance Factor movie is the sequel to The Secret that I heard promised but never saw delivered. It was not made by the same people and is not affiliated with that older movie.
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Hypnosis MP3 vs. Subliminal MP3

Subliminal MP3 and Hypnosis MP3Hypnosis MP3s and subliminal MP3s are two popular audio technologies for personal development. Both technologies try to get past the conscious mind to speak directly to the subconscious mind to create a positive change in your habits and/or in your thinking. Which do you think is better?

What is a Hypnosis MP3?

You probably already have an idea of what hypnosis is. The first thing that a hypnotist will do is get you very relaxed, just short of falling asleep. They need you to be awake so that you can still interact with them on a level. You’ve probably seen the stage hypnotist with their shiny object swinging it back and forth in front of their subject and telling them that their eyes are getting heavy.
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Language Is Important

How to Attract What You Want - Language is ImportantVisiting family for the holidays is great. I enjoy seeing and talking with people that I don’t see or talk to very often. I do have one challenge with it though – negative language. People, especially the older generations, like to talk about how busy they are. They like to talk about the bad news they heard on the TV or read in the newspaper. They like to talk about being sick and about dying. Is their any question about what they are actively attracting?
I have been studying the Law of Attraction material for several years. You attract the things and experiences that you are in alignment with, and nothing shows the world what you are in alignment with, and therefore attracting, than what you say.
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Sea of Consciousness

Sea of ConsciousnessI read this the other day in The Magic in Your Mind by U. S. Andersen.

No enlightened mind can have any quarrel with the investigations of Doctors J. B. Rhine and S. G. Soal in the field of parapsychology, and from their results the only possible conclusion is this. There are not many individual minds in the world at all, but only one mind, and this mind is infinite and eternal and is the sustaining source of each of us, is in its truest essence all of each of us, just as each of us in truest essence is all of it. Now if each man exists in a sea of consciousness, and the consciousness in him is in everything else and in all other men, it then becomes possible to understand what we are dealing with when we deal with extrasensory perception.

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You Can Always Have Gratitude

Attitude of GratitudeI keep seeing quote pictures like this one on Facebook. “There is always, always, always something to be grateful for.” That is absolutely true.
Thanksgiving was a few days ago (I live in the US) and it got me thinking. The Law of Attraction teachers, at least the ones in the movie The Secret, all say that an attitude of gratitude is very important in getting the Law of Attraction to work for you instead of against you.
You attract what you are most in alignment with, what you think about the most, so you need to keep your thoughts on positive things. The easiest way to have positive thoughts is to find the things that you feel gratitude toward. Anyone can find something to be grateful for, which attracts more things to be grateful for.
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Releasing the Blocks to the Law of Attraction

If the Law of Attraction is a “law”, as all the gurus say, then why doesn’t it seem to work for everyone, as a law should?
The Law of AttractionThe Law of Attraction says that your dominant thought is what is attracted to you. The problem is that most people aren’t paying attention to what they are thinking. They spend all day grumbling about this or that, have it reinforced by watching the news or whatever, then spend five minutes thinking about what they consciously want. Do you think that five minutes of positive thought is going to override hours to negative thought? Of course not.
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